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Economic Development Authority Board

Economic Development Authority Board

The purpose/mission of the Economic Development Authority (EDA) is to promote economic development policies and practices that help retain and expand the County’s existing business and employment bases, facilitate the growth of existing commercial and industrial enterprises, and attract new business and employment opportunities. Success will result in high-quality jobs and a stable, diverse tax base that enhances the quality of life of Amherst County residents. To accomplish the purpose/mission, the EDA is authorized to undertake a range of activities, including but not limited to recommending actions to the Board of Supervisors; acquiring, owning, leasing, and disposing of properties; making loans for the general purpose of promoting and developing for-profit and nonprofit enterprises and institutions; providing development incentives consistent with County policy; employing staff; and marketing Amherst County as a location for new economic activity.

Name District    
Paul Kilgore Jr. 
At-Large February 7, 2027
Christina Vrooman At Large December 31, 2027
Andrew Proctor  District 1
January 18, 2026
Chad Eby
District 2
January 18, 2025
Calvin M. Kennon, Jr.
District 3  January 18, 2026
Carrie Shelly Hunt
District 4 January 18, 2028
Daniel B. Sweeney District 5 January 18, 2027

Economic Development Authority Charter

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Amherst County Administrative Offices
153 Washington St
P.O. Box 390, Amherst, VA 24521
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  • Phone: (434) 946-9400
  • Staff Directory