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Surrendering a Pet

The Amherst County Animal Care Center receives animals their owners must give up due to lifestyle circumstances. Animals are considered personal property in Virginia, and if jointly owned, both parties will have to sign the surrender document. Please have the co-owner send a note with you if both owners cannot come to the Care Center. Amherst County policy gives you the right to reclaim your surrendered animal within 24 business hours if you change your mind.
When you surrender an animal, we will ask you to help us complete a personality profile on your animal. This information will help others interested in adopting know about the animal's habits, likes, and dislikes and can explain any problems experienced with the animal. Personality profiles increase the likelihood that an animal will find a new family.
We cannot guarantee that the animal will be adopted, but we will try to find them a new home.

Note: § 18.2-144.2 A of the Code of Virginia states: "It shall be unlawful for any person to deliver or release any animal to a pound, animal shelter or humane society,...or to any similar facility for animals, or any agent thereof, and to falsely represent to such facility or agent that such a person is the owner of the animal."

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