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County of Amherst, VA

County of Amherst, Virginia

Service Authority Board Meeting July 3, 2012

Tuesday, July 03, 2012 at 11:00 AM
  1. Call to Order
  2. Approval of Agenda
  3. Approval of Minutes June 5th and 19th, 2012
    Documents: June 2012 Minutes
  4. Monthly Financial Financial Report - May 2012
    Documents: Financial Report May 2012
  5. Regulations/Debt Service Obligations and Rates
    Documents: Regulations/Debt Service Obligations and Rates
  6. Davenport Pro-Forma Cash Flow Update - July 3, 2012
    Documents: Davenport July 3, 2012
  7. Matters from the Service Authority Board
  8. Adjourn